Be Your True Self
Live your deepest purpose. Live by Truth and let go.
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psychic shadow work GATHERING
Sunday, 26 January 2025
feminine GATHERING
Sunday, 2 february 2025
STUDY WITH the annointer
The ultimate spiritual container for and through which you live your spiritual purpose. Without good boundaries, men cannot be men. Women will always be the victim, and you will never know yourself.
Knowing and being true to your boundaries is the spiritual path of dignity.
master the dark magician
This world is run by black magic and entities, invisible and unknowable to the non-real person. Freaking out about the makeup of the videogame is not dignified nor the point of your existence.
Manage your experience by knowing and gaining mastery over your own, inner black magician. He is your greatest asset who hurts you - badly, when ignored. Do the Shadow work to gain mastery over your fractal link to the greater world.
The feminine aspect to boundaries. With this, men can be clear and lead their women. With this, women can live their purpose and guide their men.
The dark feminine lives for and through her intuition. When well-developed, she can be the sorceress queen to her king.
boundaries course
The foundational work. The absolute beginning and deep personal practice for anyone who wants to see their Shadow, shift their patterns, and make rapid changes to their actual lives.
What is included: 6 video lessons totaling more than 12 hours, laying the foundation for The Annointer’s version of The Wheel of Consent®, and associated overview of: the True and False Selves; entities; psychic attack; ego and Shadow; inner child, inner mother, and inner father; and the vibrational scale. The Annointer’s teachings on The Wheel of Consent® include her proprietary concepts of the Inner, Outer, and Greater Wheel - which includes, ultimately, your relationship with the Universe and living your spiritual purpose.
Suggested homework and slides also included.
Support the teachings
If The Annointer is your teacher, even if you have never met - if she has substantially impacted your life, it is appropriate and important to give dana, or the teacher’s gift.
This donation for the teachings is an act of generosity on your part - due to your gratitude for the teachings. This brings you into consent with The Annointer, who then can give more teachings as an act of generosity on her part. This creates an uplifting exchange of generosity-gratitude for both parties.
Giving dana, when appropriate, can be an important part of one’s spiritual practice and is important to having integrity with oneself.
Be your true self
Live your deepest purpose. Live by Truth and let go.